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시간 제목 연자
08:00-08:30 등록
08:30-09:30 Session 1. Joint session: AMI Community meets Women's Heart Disease Research Working Group
좌장: 김원 (경희의대), 홍영준 (전남의대), 신미승 (가천의대)
08:30-08:40 Are the characteristics of myocardial infarction in women different from those in men in Korean AMI? 우종신 (경희의대)
08:40-08:50 Sex-related differences in atherogenesis and CVD risk factors  김학령 (서울의대)
08:50-09:00 Is treatment of myocardial infarction in women different from that in men in Korean AMI? 정소담 (이화여대)
09:00-09:10 Sex-specific aspects of atherothrombosis and antithrombotic therapy 김수진 (고신의대)
Discussion: 남창욱 (계명의대), 홍순준 (고려의대), 장재식 (인제의대), 박성미 (고려의대), 조인정 (이화여대), 김성은 (한림의대), 이승욱 (광주기독병원)
09:30-10:30 Session 2. Flash debates: How to overcome clinical challenges in the CCU?
좌장: 김무현 (동아의대), 주승재 (제주의대), 박종선 (영남의대)
09:30-09:40 Targeted Temperature Management in OHCA: Can We Finally Make a Decision? 김홍년 (경북의대)
Discussion: 최웅길 (충북의대), 최철웅 (고려의대), 조형원(서울의대)
09:50-10:00 Venting and unloading for patients undergoing VA ECMO: who, why, when and how? 김민철 (전남의대)
Discussion: 서존 (순천향의대), 조준환 (중앙의대), 이진호 (경희의대)
10:10-10:20 When to say stop: palliative care in the ICU 김경희 (인천세종병원)
Discussion: 김웅 (영남의대), 박지영 (을지의대), 박상돈 (인하의대)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Session 3. Case Presentation: My Worst or Best Case in the Cath Lab
좌장: 박헌식 (경북의대), 김두일 (인제의대), 조장현 (성가롤로병원)
11:00-11:10 Cases of management for unexpected coronary artery perforation 박종일 (영남의대)
Discussion: 이진배 (대구가톨릭의대), 권택근 (건양의대), 정재훈(동국의대)
11:20-11:30 The Need for Comprehensive Assessment of Patients with AMI: Is Troponin Enough for Diagnosis of Type 1 MI? 장영우 (가천의대)
Discussion: 박재형 (고려의대), 오준혁 (부산의대), 이승재 (성균관의대)
11:40-11:50 Still a difficult part of PCI, ostial lesions 이관용 (가톨릭의대)
Discussion: 임상엽 (고려의대), 박상호 (순천향의대), 기유정 (을지의대)
12:00-12:10 Closing Remark 홍영준 (심근경색연구회 부회장)

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